Saturday, August 31, 2019

Live in the Present with Memories of the Past Essay

Human Society is a long period of building and developing. From the time man lived in dank caves to nowadays when he lives in such a modern life with a lot of excellent facilities. The modern life, the excellent facilities was not a present from god. It was made by people of all generations who always learned from the past and developed everything they had learned from it. Thus, I totally disagree with the statement above that learning about the past has no value. The first reason for this is that learning about the past brings us all the knowledge and information in the past. Without yesterday, there is no today. A society can develop only when its people inherit and understand the achievements of the precursors because the precursors’ achievements were the foundation for everything to develop.. For example, before 1964 there was only black-and-white television but until now there are kinds of colour televisions that are slim and innovative such as LCD TV†¦ The black-and-white television made the basis and gave inventors idea to develop the modern TV nowadays. Consequently our knowledge, success today is the result of constant work of our ancestors before. Secondly, learning about the past is very essential because it makes us doubt and take consideration into earlier assumptions. For that reason, people will find out mistakes that were made in the past. This will show us which roads not to ever go down again and put human in a right way to develop. Learning about the past is not only learning about the history but also is learning from our and the others’ mistakes. By this way of learning, people will become more and more experienced and never make the same mistakes again. Additionally, if learning about the past has no value, people in the world could speak, could write by themselves without learning from anyone. This is impossible so the value of the past, in this case are the parents, are undeniable. In a nutshell, the past is always a good teacher and we are still bad students who crave for knowledge. Denying the past also means that we are destroying the present and our future because no one can jump without ground to stand on.

Pride and Prejudice Plot Essay

Elizabeth Bennet receives two proposals; one from Mr Collins and one from Mr Darcy. Mr Collins was a tall and heavy looking man of twenty-five years. Although he was polite and well mannered he was also pompous and had a self-inflated ego. He always made ‘never ending speeches about nothing’ and bored everyone to death. Mr Collins flattered everyone constantly but sometimes inappropriately. ‘He begged to know which of his fair cousins the excellence of it’s cooking was owed.’ -By this, Mrs Bennet was offended and assured him they were in fact able to keep a good cook. This showed his lack of judgement in when to compliment. He was also quite absurd and Mr Bennet’s sarcasm often went completely unnoticed. For example, on page 54, Mr Bennet asked if his flatteries were prepared and Mr Collins admitted that sometimes he would think of them for his amusement! Lady Catherine de Bourgh who was his patroness employed him. He grovelled to her constantly as she paid his way; because of her, he was middle/upper class. He was a clergyman at Hunsford near Rosings, Lady Catherine de Bourgh’s home. When Mr Bennet dies, Mr Collins will inherit Longburn, as Mr Bennet cannot leave the house to his wife; women couldn’t inherit. In Mr Collins’ letter, he proposes to make peace with the family. Mr Darcy on the other hand was very good looking. ‘He soon drew the attention of the room by his fine tall person, handsome features, noble mien†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ He is also described as ‘a fine figure of a man’. But he was soon to be discovered to be ‘proud above his company’. He was clever, but at the same time he was ‘haughty, reserved and fastidious’. He owned Pemberly Estate and got one thousand a year. -He was upper class and he knew it; ‘He had seen a collection of people in whom there was little beauty and no fashion for none of whom he had felt the smallest interest.’ Darcy and Bingley had a good friendship despite many differences. ‘Bingley was sure of being liked wherever he appeared; Darcy was continually giving offence.’ Darcy had no sense of humour and admitted it. He couldn’t see the funny side of life whereas Bingley was light hearted and liked to enjoy everything he did. In the past Wickam and Darcy had a disagreement. Mr Darcy’s father had promised Wickam a place in the church but when he died Darcy refused to help him. Mr Collins first hints on his future plans in his letter to the Bennets when he writes; ‘I cannot be otherwise than concerned at the means of injuring your amiable daughters, and beg leave to apologise for it, as well as to assure you of my readiness to make them every possible amends.’ On the first day of staying at Longburn, he, in a conversation to Mrs Bennet said; ‘I can assure the young ladies that I come prepared to admire them.’ -Here he gave Mrs Bennet a small glimpse of his intentions. Jane Austin then gave it away saying that now having a good house and income; Mr Collins was in want of a wife. He was also pleasing Catherine de Bourgh who thought he should marry. So for the first evening Jane was the settled choice being not only the eldest, but the prettiest -this was, until he was informed by Mrs Bennet that she was soon to be engaged to Bingley (exaggeration). Then at the Netherfield Ball he asked Lizzy to dance several times and she realised she was the chosen one out of the five sisters. Mr Darcy on the other hand was far from admiring Lizzy at first and when Mr Bingley suggested he dance with her at the Meryton Ball he replied that he had not the least intention of dancing. -Bingley was dancing with the only good looking girl in the room. Here he was referring to Jane. He said Lizzy was ‘tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me.’ Then at Sir William Lucas’s party, William tried to pair up the two of them and Darcy did not resist, but Lizzy brushed him off with; ‘I have not the least intention of dancing.’ -this was pay back. It was at this party that Darcy realised his true feelings for her. At Netherfield when Jane went to stay, she fell ill and Lizzy being worried came to visit. Here, she noticed that Darcy was constantly watching her. Miss Bingley who secretly liked Darcy, in seeing that he was drawn to Lizzy tried to turn him against her. But all in vain, for whatever she said, he just stuck up for Elizabeth. Miss Bingley, in Mr Darcy’s defending her said; ‘I am afraid Mr Darcy that this adventure has rather affected your admiration for her fine eyes.’ I think when she says this she’s half-teasing and half jealous of him liking her. Before proposing, Mr Collins said to Mrs Bennet, ‘May I hope madam, for your interest with your fair daughter Elizabeth, when I solicit for the honour of a private audience with her in the course of this morning?’ -Here, he was basically asking Mrs Bennet’s permission to propose. He then launched straight into his ‘speech’. Mr Darcy came to visit Lizzy and at first made light conversation, asking about her health. Then there was an awkward silence where he must have been trying to think of how to start before proceeding. -Differences are already showing through. Mr Collins first said he’d chosen Lizzy almost as soon as he’d met her (which was a lie) and went on to specify his reasons for marrying her. He, as a clergyman wanted to set an example to the rest of the parish, he thought it would make his happy and he was following Lady Catherine de Bourgh’s advice. He’d obviously planed out his speech carefully but in his reasons, he had not mentioned that he was in love with her! Darcy on the other hand offered his hand in marriage because he did love her and his opening sentence expressed this clearly; ‘In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how I admire and love you.’ Mr Collins also made several insults to Lizzy when proposing to her without even realising it! For instance, he said that if she refuses, she my never get another offer. He also reminds her that if she stays single, all she may ever be entitled to is twenty-five pounds when her mother dies. Darcy put his foot in it too. After saying how much he loved her, he went on to say that it was not his wish to do so with her connections and status; ‘His sense of inferiority -of the family obstacles which judgement had always opposed to inclination.’ When he was turned down he thought she was just offended; ‘Could you expect me to rejoice in the inferiority of your connections? -To congratulate myself on the hope of relations, your connections?’ He also admitted to trying to split up Jane and Darcy and even ‘rejoiced’ in his success of doing so. In response to rejection, Mr Collins thinks Lizzy is playing hard to get and says this is to be expected of a lady. He goes on to say all the good materialistic reasons to marry him forgetting to mention things like love. He acts as if marrying would be a good investment for Lizzy or something. He then assured her that both of her parents approved of the marriage. Mr Darcy in response to rejection is shocked and angry but manages to control himself. He asked why he had been refused and thought she must be offended by what he had said earlier; ‘Could you expect me to rejoice in the inferiority of your connections?’ But after saying these words he accepted her answer. Both proposals were made for very different reasons; Mr Collins obviously proposed for convenience, whereas Mr Darcy was in love. Both men also reacted in different ways when turned down; although Mr Collins couldn’t take the rejection, he was not actually bothered about anything other than having his male pride hurt. -Darcy must have been extremely upset, to him Lizzy was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with but he tried not to show his emotions. They both involved a lot of snobbery in their proposal speeches. They thought that Lizzy would not reject someone of the higher class and she should be grateful that she was chosen out of all the other girls; both reminded her constantly about her status. Mr Collins was more personal mentioning both what would happen when her mother and father died but Lizzy got more angry at Darcy because of things he has said and done in the past. Mr Collins and Mr Darcy both said in much detail all the pros and cons of the marria ge. In conclusion, both proposals have some similarities but they differ in the essential requirement of love.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Buddhism is the reality

Emptiness in ‘Buddhism† is the reality of the existence of ourselves, and all the phenomena around us. According to the Buddhist point of view, seeking reality and seeking liberation amount to the same thing. The person who doesn't want to seek reality doesn't really want to seek liberation. If you have to look for it outside yourself, in another place, then you are mistaken. You cannot seek reality outside yourself because you are reality. Perhaps you think that your life, your reality was made by society, by your friends?If you think that way you are far from reality. if you think that your existence, your life was made by somebody else it means that you are not taking the responsibility to understand reality. You have to see that your attitudes, your view of the world, of your experiences, of your girlfriend or boyfriend, of your own self, are all the interpretation of your own mind, your own imagination. They are your own projection, your mind literally made them up. If you don't understand this then you have very little chance of understanding emptiness.You cannot seek reality outside yourself because you are reality. Perhaps you think that your life, your reality was made by society, by your friends? If you think that way you are far from reality. if you think that your existence, your life was made by somebody else it means that you are not taking the responsibility to understand reality. A basic doctrinal assertion in the Buddhist tradition states that Buddhism or â€Å"no self† means that no permanent identity comtinues from one period of time to the next.This according to them is not a pessimistic point of view but rather a simple realistic acceptance of the constantly changing human personality and all of reality as well. They understand that if everything changes, then it is possible for everything on earth to become new. If they grasp fully the essence of â€Å"emptiness†, then it would be possible to face even the toughes t situations in life with a feeling of lightness and peace of mind. With this in mind, one can begin to understand what it means for a Buddhist to cross out the word â€Å"I†.Buddhists can begin to erase this word by reallizing that there is no permanent self to hold onto or protect. Furthermore, emptiness is a mode of perception, a way of looking at experience. It does not add or subtract anything from the actual data of physical and mental events. It is looking at the incidents or happenings in the mind and the senses without any thought of whether there’s anything lying behind them. In this mode one does not act or react to any events that transpire which would mean a deeper involvement thus complicating the matter.To master the emptiness mode of perception requires firm training in virtue, concentration and discernment. Without this training, the mind stays in the mode that keeps creating stories and world views. And from the perspective of that mode, the teaching of emptiness sounds simply like another story or world view with new ground rules. It seems to be saying that the world doesn’t really exist,or else that emptiness is the great undifferentiated ground of being from which we all came and to which someday we will all return. QUESTION # 2Snyder’s poetry has the grandeur and detail of nature, and the mental disciplines of Zen Buddhism. He writes I the first person, as individual in the wilderness, but the beauty and glory of the wilderness allows that individual the status of a common man. For Snyder, symbol and metaphor cause a distancing from the thing itself,the thing itself is at least enough. Love and respect for the primitive tribe, honour accorded the Earth, the escape from city and industry into both the past and the possible, contemplation, the communal, peace, and the ascetic.There is not much wilderness left to destroy, and the nature in the mind is being logged and burned off. Industrial-urban society is not â €Å"evil† ut there is no progress either. (quoted in David Kherdian, Six San Francisco Poets, Fresno, Calif. , 1969). â€Å"Wild Mind† according to Gary means elegantly self-disciplined, self-regulating. In wilderness nobody has a management plan for it. Care for the environment is like noblesse oblige. You don’t do it because it has to be done. You do it because its beautiful. You are not being anxious to do good, or feels obligation or anything like that.In â€Å"The Practice of the Wild† Gary introduced a pair of distinctive ideas to our vocabulary of ecological inquiry. Grounded in a lifetime of nature and wilderness observation, Snyder offered the â€Å"etiquette of freedom† and â€Å"practice of the wild† as root prescriptions for the global crisis. Informed by East-West poetics, land and wilderness issues, anthropology, benevolent Buddhism, and Snyder’s long years of familiarity with the bush and high mountain places, these pri nciples point to the essential and life-sustaining relationship between place and psyche.To Snyder, value also translates as responsibility. Within his approach to digging in and committing to a place is the acceptance of responsible stewardship. Snyder maintains that it is through this engaged sense of effort and practice-participating in what he salutes as â€Å"the tiresome but tangible work of school boards, county supervisors, local foresters, local politics†-that we find our real community, our real culture.Many of Snyder's original arguments addressing pollution and our addiction to consumption have by now become mainstream: reduced fossil fuel dependence, recycling, responsible resource harvesting. Others remain works-in-progress: effective soil conservation, economics as a â€Å"small subbranch of ecology,† learning to â€Å"break the habit of acquiring unnecessary possessions,† division by natural and cultural boundaries rather than arbitrary political boundaries.As an ecological philosopher, Snyder's role has been to point out first the problems, and then the hard medicine that must be swallowed. Snyder has become synonymous with integrity-a good beginning place if your wilderness poetics honor â€Å"clean-running rivers; the presence of pelican and osprey and gray whale in our lives; salmon and trout in our streams; unmuddied language and good dreams. † From The Oxford Companion to Twentieth-century Poetry in English. Ed. Ian Hamilton. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994. Copyright  © 1994 by Oxford University Press

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Managment - Essay Example They put the responsibility for the overall running of the organisation in the hands of the senior management and the CEO, rather than allowing the organisation to run itself. When Richard Branson started the Virgin Group, he would have worked with his colleagues to physically run the business, including selling goods to customers (F19), procuring supplies to sell (E15) and managing budgets (E1). As a CEO, he should be responsible for the overall management of the group. However, although he clearly undertakes some aspects of group management, such as developing and exemplifying the culture at Virgin (B9), encouraging innovation (C3) and raising additional finance for business ventures (E3), he does not get involved in the day-to-day running of the organisation, even at CEO level. Branson has the ideas and the ability to spot emerging trends, but he hires the best people to analyse the situation, set up any new ventures and then run them. Such an approach allows everyone to play to their strengths, while allowing Branson to live what appears to be an eccentric lifestyle involving various stunts that also allow him to promote the Virgin brand around the wo rld. He is an unconventional CEO who carves out his own path rather than following others. When Virgin look to enter a new market, they assess the strategies of those already present, then look to add value by focusing on quality rather than cost. Virgin Atlantic does not compete with low-cost carriers, prefering to keep costs reasonable and service exceptional. They provide additional benefits and look for synergies with other Virgin businesses. Branson looks at industry and commerce as a whole, picking out where there is poor customer service or where a good customer service does not provide what customers want. This could be classified as diversification (Ansoff’s Matrix, 1988, in Johnson et al 2008) as well as â€Å"overcoming competitors’ bases of strategic

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Theme of Dedication in the Movie Chariots of Fire Essay

The Theme of Dedication in the Movie Chariots of Fire - Essay Example This is because it involves the making of significant sacrifices, crucial decisions and options. It additionally involves the taking of several bold, courageous and unusual steps. At times, the choices may be tough if two vital options are involved. It is such choices that may lead to criticisms and discouragements from others. In this case, dedication plays an essential role in giving an individual the will to continue while bearing in mind the benefits of his or her activities. Ultimately the fruits of the action of dedicated people are shown from the impact they create in the society as well as the reputation they present to the society. Dedication and Perseverance in â€Å"Chariot of Fire† The main theme brought out in this movie is that of dedication and commitment. This is shown in the events and results of the races in which Abraham and Liddell participated. It is revealed that for an individual to have this strong drive of dedication there is an underlying reason. This is considered the main element that makes him strong in the implementation of his actions. Abraham notices a high level of anti Semitism among the staff and students at the University of Cambridge. He is convinced that he can take part in an activity that will prove the ability of Jews to succeed and thus eliminate prejudice (Bradshaw par. 1). It is one of the actions that he uses to cover their prejudice and superior feeling by ignoring their criticisms. Liddell, on the other hand, gains enjoyment from serving God as a son of missionary parents. In spite of his sister; Jennie’s disapproval, he is convinced that, through his participation in competitive running, he will get a chance to glorify God (Ben, Charleson and Havers). This is before he goes for missionary work in China. As such, his main dedication is in the overall service of God in different fields. In addition, the action in which someone is to be dedicated should elicit the feeling of enjoyment. Despite the preju dice Abraham enjoys taking part in the Gilbert and Sullivan club. As such, dedication id brought about by various motivational factors. They include the numerous wins and victories that Abrahams gets within the college and in other national competition (Bradley, 576). These include the first time historical win at the Great Court run. It is these activities that give him the confidence of a greater win. It is from this that he attains the dedication to run in the effort to fight prejudice. In â€Å"Chariots of Fire† dedication is detected to be made stronger by the faced obstacles. During the 400 meter race, Liddell is tripped by a Frenchman. He is like Abraham, equally motivated by his performance, and recovers the distance to his win (Ben, Charleson and Havers). This opinion is especially influenced by their convictions to take part in the race. Nonetheless, the main difference between the intended purposes of the Jew and Christian in running activities also reveals this. W hile the Scottish Eric Liddell does it in order to glorify God, the Jewish Harold Abraham runs to escape from prejudice. The desire to achieve these purposes in the race prevents them from being discouraged and instead provides them with the strength to pursue their goals towards success. They thus possess a powerful will despite their different religious and racial affiliations. Ben, Charleson, and Havers use it to show that dedication in the same field surpasses the differences in different aspects.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Analytical report based on an case study about IT project management Essay

Analytical report based on an case study about IT project management - Essay Example The stadium had its international recognition and with its inauguration, it was to host five matches of Euro Championship. The stadium was surrounded by many larger sports complex and along with its own spectators. The stadium could provide gigantic clients and business to restaurants and bars. In this regard Casa XXI was contracted for catering services of restaurant, bars and of special events in the Alvalade stadium for the next fifteen years. Casa XXI was the resulting company with its three partners specifically created for Alvalade Stadium Complex. Casa XXI had immense experience of catering since decades. As per agreement Casa XXI got right to serve 9 avenues including Prestige, Corporate Club, Sports 21, Restaurant Casa XXI, Cafeteria, Cafe for employees, Lodges, Kiosks, Bars and walking sales persons. Managing and exploiting revenue from these avenues was not a piece of cake and neither Casa XXI was ready to go traditional. So, Casa XXI decided to go for a new electronic sys tem which was an important innovation. This innovative system used pre-paid cards to pay for sales. These pre-paid cards had a unique serial number which was to be identified by a scanner. The scanner could examine the card status and recharge money to the card. Interesting aspect was its expiration in which card could be used many times. The main objective of this system was to get rid of the traditional cash system which was more time consuming. The new innovative system could serve many customers in shorter time hence productivity was expected to be enhanced. The innovative system used a central database to save information of all cards and sales. In this innovative system when a consumer made a payment by the card, the scanners were to track card holder’s information and money in the card. After which sale was to take place or the money could be debited accordingly. The system was further subdivided into two units. First unit was operated by the front office responsible f or interacting clients while back office unit was specified for inventory management whereas information of both system was recorded on an external database. So, the expected target of this innovative system was to create a well-established electronic system of payment which could revolutionize the sales at Alvalade Stadium. Casa XXI massively publicized their innovative system hoping for a marvellous opening. Outsourcing is a common practice is nowadays business. Outsourcing may take place due to many factors. These factors may be business, political, technical or financial. In this case, Case XXI lacks the expertise regarding IT projects and systems. It has mainly been in food and catering business and such technical skill seems to be remote in the industry it works in, With a crucial event coming up, outsourcing the new innovative project had deem to be a good decision. Outsourcing has many advantages. Some of them include access to the required expertise easily, greater focus on core functions and risk sharing. Casa XXI have taken advantage of the mentioned advantages to great extent. It wouldn’t be easy to acquire the skill of the IT project easily and if they decided to each part of the project themselves they would no doubt have suffered in their core expertise, catering. Core failures of the system The innovative system was expected to bring stacks of productivity to Casa XXI but unfortunately the inauguration went against all anticipations and ruined

Monday, August 26, 2019

Writing in the Visual Age Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Writing in the Visual Age - Research Paper Example While some emphasize the need to essentially teach rhetorical analysis of images to the students of a writing class, others advocate the importance of aural or textual messages by claiming that no matter how skillfully designed, pictures or images should not be considered to be more capable both emotionally and informatively in comparison to words. Those favoring the newly introduced development of visual rhetoric stress on the importance of photographs and deem them as elements significantly capable of providing more obvious evidence to the public. This paper is basically an attempt to explain why visual rhetoric should be taught as part of a writing class while also acknowledging the opposing ideas put forward by critics weighing the credibility of visual rhetoric in a writing class. This paper will also include some suggestions about how effective actions could be made to enhance the position and validity of visual rhetoric in context of composition studies. This is important beca use though some people might be able to institute change on some levels, it again leaves many educationists and teachers to deal with depressing frustration when visual communication fails to stick for long. I... isually demonstrate how Europe brought the light of literacy and humanity to the dark land of Congo, she filled the star in the flag with very meaningful images of slavery and explorers and the blue field around it with several though-provoking and informative images of old African art. Such useful incorporation of visual rhetoric not only must have delivered more inspirational, interesting, informative, and emotional lesson to the class but it also must have made the whole class remember the logic behind the flag’s design for a longer period. This is understandable as in contrast to a teacher who likes to simply stand behind the rostrum sticking to very conventional and orthodox teaching strategies is certainly much less likely to convey a deeper understanding of a subject to his/her students than a teacher who prefers to institute change and benefit from strategies like using visual rhetoric to demonstrate the meaning and logic behind a concept. Majority of the researchers a t the Wharton School of Business concluded after comparing verbal presentations to visual presentations that â€Å"presenters who combined visual and verbal components were more persuasive† (MacroVU, Inc.). Students are much more likely to reason with a complex dilemma which might be puzzling them when teachers feel motivated to visually explain the confusing parts which is why visual rhetoric should be taught as part of a writing class. It is claimed by Williams in support of the visual mode of communication that this mode literally challenges the people to both see and perceive an image in many different new ways unlike verbal or textual messages (18). Visual communication is the name of a very reasonable and self-evident strategy which should not be underestimated. The research stresses that

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Hospitality marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hospitality marketing - Essay Example Quality is the first competitive advantage building block, which is defined as the manner in which a product is perceived by the market in relation to competitor products. Superior quality gives a product a competitive advantage compared to competitor products. Superior quality includes reliability, durability, quality design, and image. Quality is essential because customers prefer organizations which are reputed for offering superior quality products. The second competitive advantage building block is efficiency, which is defined as the rate at which an organization carries out its operations. Superior efficiency means that the organization will produce and market a large number of products within a short duration using minimal amount of organizational resources. Superior efficiency is necessary because it enables an organization to produce and supply products when demanded; hence, sustaining its supply chain. Third on the list of the building blocks is customer responsiveness. This can be described as the manner and speed in which the organization meets customers’ needs. An organization with superior customer responsiveness is that which is quick to act on customer needs and ensures that they are satisfied. This is vital because it enables an organization to always meet the needs of its customers. The last principal building block of competitive advantage is innovation. This can be described as undertaking strategic activities to find new and better products, and new work routines that will increase the organization’s efficiency. Innovation is critical because it enables the organization to keep up with the ever-changing tastes and preferences of the customers. Therefore, an innovative organization has a competitive advantage in the industry because it has the potential of offering products which have not been produced before. Building blocks can be utilized in marketing techniques in various ways. To

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Individual Sales Activities Paper and Flowchart Essay

Individual Sales Activities Paper and Flowchart - Essay Example Business to business sales mainly involves sales between two different organizations and there are different strategies such as online marketing that can be used during the current period (Kotler & Armstrong, 2004). There are various selling activities that are involved in business to business sales process as shown in the flow-chart below. Info negotiate info money info Info influence info goods info Figure 1 A model for e-commerce: B2B Source: Cloete, E 2004, E-Commerce: A contemporary view, Pardus Publication, CT. As shown in the diagram above, there is a seller and a buyer and there are different process involved when they try to exchange goods or services for money. The selling activities of the seller are shown on top of the diagram. The first activity is related to arrangment of information. The seller ought to arrange the information such that they are fully aware of what their intentions are and how they will execute the. The seller needs to find information about the custom er. The second activity that is involved in B2B is related to finding the customer. The seller has an obligation of finding the customer so that they can negotiate if a sales deal can be reached. Before a sales deal is conducted between two businesses, negotiation takes place. The seller approaches the buyer and they try to influence them to buy the goods or services offered. On the other hand, the buyer would need to agree on the terms and conditions upon which the deal can be conducted. The third sales activity in a business to business sales is concerned with arranging the terms. The seller arranges the terms upon which the sales can be conducted. These terms ought to be agreed between the two parties involved. These terms may include payment terms as well as conditions for delivery of the goods and services once the transactions have been conducted. Such a sales type cannot be fast tracked since it is supposed to go through different stages. The deal may not succedd when there i s no agreement. The fourth activity in a B2B sales is related to fulfilment of the order. When an agreement has been reached and the sale conducted, the seller would need to fulfil the deal. It becomes thr duty of the seller to make sure that the products or services purchased are delivered to the customer. Unless the deal has been reversed by both parties, it can be observed that the seller would need to fulfil the promise nomatter what. The final activity in the B2B sales is support. The seller needs to support the customer so that they can return for repeat business. This helps to create mutual understanding between the two parties involved and this can significantly contribute to the growth of business. Customer loyalty is likley to be promoted if the seller contibues to offer support to them. However, business to business sales differ from business to customer sales in different ways. The main difference is that B2B sales are formalised since they involved business between two organizations while B2C sales can be conducted in an informal way since they involve an organization and a customer (Cloete, 2001). A lot of logistics are involved in B2B sales as well as activities that require the input of several people. On the other hand, it can be noted that B2C sales can be conducted in an informal way and they are flexible since they do not involve a lot of activities. a sales person

Friday, August 23, 2019

Impact of Underinsured Working Class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Impact of Underinsured Working Class - Essay Example As inexperienced political leaders tried to stimulate industrialization and address poverty, their economic development was largely underwritten by loans from multilateral banks and bilateral support from states. This external development assistance was called upon to build infrastructure and obtain equipment for vertical programs to combat major diseases, to support health projects, and to provide technical assistance until national staff could be trained to take over. Those funds were available directly, and exclusively, to state governments. II For experimental treatment of water supplies, health services research, environmental pesticides, nutritional supplementation of everyday foods, and similar broad-scale interventions, individual consent may not be feasible. Entire communities may be randomized to experimental or control status. The decision to undertake the research must be made by responsible authorities on behalf of the community. Attitudes vary among human populations about the treatment of children, women, the handicapped, the elderly, and members of certain ethnic minorities and societal subgroups. The activities of health workers may conflict with locally established attitudes and cultural practices regarding abortion, family planning, the position of women, or a host of other conventions. In such cases the terms of reference of any bilateral agreement must be spelled out in particular detail and the scope of work of specific project activities of workers must be carefully described and monitored to maintain respect for the ethical precepts of the host country. In extreme situations, official policy or habitual practice results in systematic abuse of groups of people ethically unacceptable to health workers who must cancel or terminate their programs. The growth of modern biomedical science has led to increasing pressure for sites for studies such as clinical trials of new pharmaceutical products and vaccines. As these studies and trials are conducted among local populations with varying cultural norms, the question has arisen whether it is ever justifiable to apply different ethical standards to different populations. Approval from research or human subjects review boards of local participating institutions should be obtained; if such boards do not exist, their establishment should be encouraged. Formal authorities should sign off on any study, and it would be well to coordinate with local medical societies or similar groups. Impact of Underinsured Working Class 4 III. Financial Impact A. Public money is spent on health interventions of low cost-effectiveness for uninsured and underinsured, such as surgery for most cancers, at the same time that critical and highly cost-effective interventions such as treatment of tuberculosis and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) remain under-funded. In some countries

Discussion 8 Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion 8 - Article Example The university philosophy promotes cultural diversity. Students from diverse cultural backgrounds get the opportunity to meet and interact with each other. This enables the students to provide health care services to diverse groups irrespective of race or ethnicity (FIU, 2015). Moreover, the philosophy enables the students to play critical roles in overcoming the healthcare challenges of the ever-changing world. Entering the workforce, students are able to work excellently in their roles and cooperate with other health professionals in providing patients with a complete variety of care. The Florida International University has developed a strategic plan to enhance student learning and academic excellence. The strategic plan also enhances the quality, quantity and impact of research and creative initiatives to help in solving health care problems within the society. The nurses are able to link research to local economic development in providing quality health services to the community. The University has human and material resources that promote learning and achieving nursing goals. The resources fund research and training projects that are domineering in promoting health services delivery to the society. Furthermore, the institution evaluates the trained nurses to ensure that they deliver exceptional health care services to the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Swingline Stapler Essay Example for Free

Swingline Stapler Essay The Swingline Heavy Duty Stapler is an office supply, more so than a household item. A casual attempt to purchase a heavy duty stapler online (e.g., Amazon or eBay) makes it clear that there are numerous sellers of this product other than Swingline. Names like Stanley Bostitch, Sparco, Paper Pro, Hunt, Arrow, and Rapid, to name a few; and this list doesn’t include the models offered by the brick-and-mortar retailers like Office Max, Office Depot, and Staples. A more extensive search would only add to the list. Searching by brand within any of these online sites, however, pretty consistently reveals Swingline as the brand with the most choices; and more often than not, Stanley Bostitch falls into second on the list by product count. This anecdotal evidence hints that collectively, Swingline and Stanley Bostitch may very well have a strong share of a crowded market; oligopoly or monopolistic competition – it could go either way. Page 2 In terms of establishing the price for its heavy duty stapler, it is important to Swingline to price it reasonably close to its many substitutes. The competitors for this product provide a â€Å"range† of prices that serve as a boundary for Swingline to use in determining the price for its product – a feature of monopolistic competition. Based on the brand listing information, I would expect that a major competitor, Bostitch, is the one that Swingline pays most attention to – Swingline’s pricing decisions are somewhat dependent on the expected response of Bostitch. This is a characteristic of an oligopoly. In one sense, it can be argued that a heavy duty stapler is a standardized product – it serves one function. Due to this, there is not a significant amount of advertising done to try to differentiate the Swingline Heavy Duty Stapler from its competitors. Sellers in monopolistic competition and oligopoly both advertise to point out product differences, but standardized products exist primarily in oligopoly and perfect competition; so, in this regard, oligopoly seems to be the correct fit. On the other hand, attempts are made to give us the perception that the heavy duty staplers are indeed different. Paper Pro, for example, tells us this about one of their models: â€Å"Patented unique staple-driving technology provides the power to drive a staple through up to 65 sheets of paper with the press of just two fingers.† Yet a different Paper Pro brand tells us: â€Å"80% Easier than other heavy duty staplers†. Not to be outdone, Swingline counters with a pitch for its complementary product: â€Å"70 sheet staple capacity with Swingline Optima High Capacity staples†. Add different sizes, shapes, and colors, and a case can be made for product differentiation. This would seem to bring monopolistic competition back into the mix. Finally, on the surface, it seems that barriers to entry would be minimal. The production of a stapler does not require a high level of technology or a significant amount of financial capital. For a new seller to successfully penetrate the existing market, however, it seems they would need to have a price advantage due to the relatively standardized nature of the product. The ability of Swingline and Stanley Bostitch to match any new competitor’s â€Å"sale† price could effectively limit entry into this market. Based on this criterion, a case can be made for both monopolistic competition and oligopoly. In conclusion, it seems that characteristics of both monopolistic competition and oligopoly are present. This would put the market for heavy duty staplers somewhere in the middle of the competitive continuum: perhaps some oligopoly-type behavior by Swingline and Stanley Bostitch, but more like monopolistic competition overall. Given what I perceive to be as an inability to earn a positive economic profit over time, I’ll hang my hat on monopolistic competition.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Gold Marilyn Monroe Andy Warhol

Gold Marilyn Monroe Andy Warhol The colors used are outstanding whereby he used gold color to form the background and surrounds of the face. I love the way Warhol used the colors to give and outstanding piece of art. The face is the only image on the massive canvas platform (611 ÂÂ ¼ X 57 (211.4 x 144.7 cm)). Warhol Canvas, Silkscreen ink are the main materials used in the painting. Warhol painted the image on the canvas to bring out an actual sensation or display of Marilyn Monroe; a goddess of sensuality. The most extraordinary feature of Andy Warhols legendary painting of Marilyn Monroes face is how he forms his version of her. The face of Marilyn Monroe is very familiar and almost everyone knows how she looks like. Warhol succeeded wholly in conceptualizing a famous face and recreating it as par his own fashion. Such a piece of work is exceptional and for generations it will make the basis for upcoming painters. The Gold Marilyn Monroe painting is a religious painting. Her face is depicted as a religious icon relating to the Christian history. The painter exhibited her as a matyr, someone who is adored or worshiped just like Mary mother of Jesus Christ. The gold Marilyn painting undermines the peculiarity between image and reality. The painting exists on its own simulacrum. The gold Marilyn is an exclusive sign among many; a symbol spotting and mirroring other signs in a non-ending motion. . The wise use of colors represents the life that Marilyn led in public. For in stance, she led a glamorous life spiced with parties, celebrities and wealth. There are many symbols in the painting for instance, the whole picture is a sex symbol. Colors have been used cleverly by the artist to produce and display different meanings and symbols. The golden background is a symbol of lavish life that was led by Marilyn Monroe in relation to the Niagara movie in 1953 where she was the main character and the impact she left back on Hollywood and America at large as a star. The bright yellow golden color was used to represent her blonde hair. This symbolizes a beautiful lady that every guy will want to be with and a woman that all young ladies would like to associate themselves with. The art work or the painting was drawn during the age of popular music, hence it a pop art painting. Warhol had an in drive to paint pictures of popular music celebrities. During 1962, pop music and dance were prevalent and hence they made the basis for the societal culture. The Gold Marilyn Monroe portrait is one of the pop art pictures painted by Warhol. The Gold Marilyn glorifies the popular culture and also from the critiques point of view it gives a notion of consumer culture that emerged in the US after World War II. The gold Marilyn Monroe painting; to the creator it represents a Hollywood star that is adored by everyone. The artist wanted viewers of the painting to have understood that celebrities lead an expensive and lavish lifestyle. In general Warhol reflected the obsession that the society has for a celebrity. This is clearly portrayed by the expensive use of golden colors on a silkscreen; using the golden color as the background and only drawing a face at the centre of the big canvas clearly shows that Monroe was a public icon The picture has a religious or spiritual context given that the picture was created just a few months after the death of Marilyn Monroe. She committed suicide; a mysterious circumstance. Personal life of Marilyn Monroe and her ultimate death made the painting more powerful and emotionally appealing to the public. The public was fascinated on the look of the painting and connected with it given that the portrayed resembled Monroe herself in the Niagara movie. She was an icon to many and Warhol displayed her at her best, young and beautiful. The picture gave the public an emotional attachment to the deceased Monroe. Death had snatched away one that they identified themselves with. Warhol as an artist used exceptional techniques that had never been explored in the world at large. He used a collective combination of photography and painting to come up with a glamorous image using bright abstract colors. The silkscreened face image of a young and beautiful lady on a huge mass of a canvas was magnificently painted. In this section I am going to describe the use of each color, lines, and shades as used in the painting. Warhol used golden brown color to form the background of the picture. The background is painted darkly and uniformly on the peripheries. Towards the center the color is much lighter compared to the outwards or sideways. At the center a much dork brown color is used forming a protruding rectangular platform that holds the actual face image. This technique makes the womans gaze to focus directly on the observer of the picture. The painter also used golden yellow color, forming curly lines on the head of the picture to represent the beautiful and lovely hair of Marilyn Monroe. To right of the image, Warhol used brighter yellow color to give an impression that there was light coming from this side. To the left of left of the head; the golden yellow color is mixed with black color to give us a feeling of a shadow cast by head blocking the light that is coming from the right-hand side. Consequently, Warhol used pink color to represent the face and the neck of the woman in the picture. The right cheek is more lightly compared to the left one. This implies that the light is coming from the right side of the picture. The black color has also been used appropriately to represent different shadows in the picture. For instance, the black color below the chin gives us a natural sensation that we cannot see fully under the chin of a person when we look or view him/her from the frontal perspective. Nevertheless, the eyebrows have also been painted black by the artist to give us an actual sensation of a natural human being. The eyelashes are also painted black. Furthermore, below the nose, black color represents the voids that are found exactly below a natural human nose when he or she is exposed to light. The artist wisely used maroon color paint the lips thus giving the picture a real and natural color of human lips with maroon lip-steak. The white color between the lips of the woman in the picture represents white teeth, giving us an impression that the woman was smiling. The green color just below the left cheek has been used to show us that the woman in the picture was wearing a green garment tied at the back. The artist also employed the use of lines in the painting to present different aspects of his work. In reference to the picture; straight lines have been used to for a rectangular piece at the center forming the frame in which the actual image is drawn. The total picture fits proportionally in this rectangular frame. He also used softly wavy or curl lines on the head to represent the rough texture of an individuals hair. The mixture of these curly lines and golden yellow color completely implies that this is real hair. The rounded curve like lines was used by the artist to represent eyebrows and eyelashes. He also employed the use of soft rounded lines to make up the nose of the picture. The top lip was drawn rather painted with a thin line while the lower lip is full as it is painted with a thick line. It is impressive and remarkable how the artist used light in the painting. To be more specific the use of light is the one that brings out the beauty and elegance of the whole image. The image is illuminated from the right hand side; this side is brightly painted. The voids on the picture, for example where the light does not reach, the artist used black color to bring out the actual sensation. The hair on the right part of the head is painted brightly with bight golden yellow color while the hair on the left side of the head is painted with dark golden yellow color. This is clear evidence that the light is coming from the right side of the picture while the shadow is on the left side. The space in the picture, in my own opinion, Warhol did not maximally use the provided space. The image could have been painted to fill up the space available. He only used a fraction of the whole platform, only drawing a small face of a woman at the center of the massive canvas. Warhol cleverly combined his colors in the image to come up with an outstanding painting. He is well organized throughout his work. He achieved his mandate, and I call upon all upcoming artists to learn and emulate his fantastic piece of art. The main point that Warhol wanted observers of Gold Marilyn Monroe painting was that she was beautiful and a sex symbol to the society. He managed to achieve this brilliant theme by ingeniously using a combination of colors and lines to create a picture the glues an observer at a glance. The artist wanted to remind his audience about the lavish and expensive lifestyle that Marilyn Monroe led while she was alive. The joyful mood that she used to have on several occasions especially in Niagara movie was completely revealed in the picture. Her smiles in the painting justify this analogy. The only technique that Warhol used that am subjective with is the way he used space and some colors in the painting. The painting is more complex towards the center where he concentrates the whole picture in a small portion of space at the center. Secondly, the color used to represent the hair and the face is in contrast with the natural color of the face and hair of a human being. The whole aspect of the image is great and good and in fact I recommend anyone who is interested in pop art to take gold Marilyn Monroe painting as the basis of his or her interest. I liked everything about the image at a glance, as the picture itself is appealing and beautiful. The only contrast is the use of pink and yellow color s to represent the face and hair respectively. The big lesson I learned from this particular piece of art is that one can use different colors to create an image that has a natural impact. Good thoughts always culminate into tremendous quality work especially in painting. You can capture many people, funs and credible clients with every beautiful work that you produce. It is amazing how this work of art has taught me; good work can be admired a very long period of time. Good thoughts always culminate into tremendous quality work especially in painting; you can capture many funs and credible clients for the beautiful work you produce. Conclusion: What connections do you see between the subject matter and techniques the artist has used? What mood does the artist after? HOw successful was the artist in expressing or interpreting that mood? What was your subjective reaction to the work? How well did you like it or not and why? What did you learn from this particular piece of art and experience? The most extraordinary aspect to Andy Warhols famous painting of Marilyn Monroes face is how he forms his own version of her. Marilyn Monroes face is very recognizable, and almost everyone knows what she looks like. Warhol succeeds in taking a famous face, and recreating it according to his own style. The first thing I see when I look at this painting is large areas of colors. I see a green background, bright yellow hair, a pink face, green eye shadow, yellow eyes, red lips, a green mole, and a red area that appears to be her shirt. The second thing I see when I look at the poster again is black. I see black shading in the hair and around the face, black shading that creates the eyes, eyebrows and nose, black shading in the lips, and a black mole inside the green one. Another thing I notice about this painting is how it gets smaller and more complex in the middle. The green background is large and has almost no detail to it. Then the large area of yellow hair has black shading that gives it movement and dimension. Next, the eyes, nose, and mouth are created within the pink heart-shaped face. Warhol uses black shading to create the eyebrows and eyes. He gives Marilyn green eye shadow and paints yellow in her inner eye. Her eyelids and eyelashes are thick, as if she is wearing black eyeliner and mascara. Her little nose is also created with black shading, and her mole consists of a black dot with a larger green dot imperfectly surrounding it. Her lips are full and seductive, and it looks as though Warhol outlined and colored her lips in with red paint, and then proceeded to shade them inside with black. He also shades a lot along the left side of her face, into her red blouse. I notice how Warhol balances these two opposites, color and black, perhaps to highlight the two facets of Marilyns life. The colors that he uses are not true to form, but it works regardless. No one really has hair that yellow, a face that pink, or lips that red. Also, it seems rare to wear green eye shadow that bright or have yellow eyes. The effect of this exaggeration of colors is that it makes Marilyn look cartoon-like, and almost not real. This represents Marilyns public life. Externally, Marilyn led a glamorous life full of parties, celebrities, and wealth, but that was fake and overdone, just like the colors. Internally, however, her personal life was full of scandal, deceit, and heartache. This private side of Marilyn Monroe is evident through the black that forms her eyes. Though her lips do give off a sexy feeling, the shading and detailing around her eyes tell a deeper story. She looks sad and hurt, as if she is yearning for someone to help her. It is quite impressive how Warhol manages to accomplish that without losing his signature pop art style of bright colors and animated images. The message that I get from this piece is that nothing is ever what it seems. Warhol uses vivid colors and dark shading to emphasize this idea. The large areas of color symbolize a happy exterior. Things may seem to be wonderful and great on the outside, but when given a deeper look, everything has some black on the inside

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX)

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) Anjan Thapaliya Abstract AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It is a web technology that evolved in early 2000 and uses a mix of technology like JavaScript and XML. This paper discusses about how AJAX technology works in modern web application and various advantages and disadvantages. This paper also discusses about various frameworks available for AJAX that can be used on different platforms. History In the past, when there was no such thing as AJAX, the websites needed to reload each and every time for retrieving even small bits of information from the server or processing a tiniest client request, which made the webpages very inefficient. Every time there is a page refresh, it put consumed some bandwidth and put some load on the request processing server. In order to overcome this cycle of request-response, and fetch required data from the server without having to make a round trip, Microsoft came up with iframe technology is as early as 1999 but it was clunky and not efficient. The core of today’s AJAX technology, known as XMLHTTP object was first implemented by Microsoft Outlook in 1999. The term â€Å"AJAX itself was first used my Jesse James in one of his articles in 2005 to talk about this new technology. W3C came up with its first round of documentation for the XMLHttpRequest and called it a web standard in 2006. Classic web application vs. Ajax web application AJAX has transformed how people view at webpages from a simple HTML document into a dynamic web application. The early web sites rendered the webpage as a plain HTML pages. It lacked features like dynamic updates and synchronization with services and servers. The web server in classic web applications performed all the serving up responses to requests with each round trip. Due to this overhead of constant server round trips, web sites in the early 2000 performed poorly and were not as dynamic in terms of updates and synchronization. On the contrary, AJAX based web sites perform better in terms of faster rendering and quicker updates. Not all the data processing is done on the sever side, as a connection is silently made to the server in the background which responds back by giving back the required data in some format like XML or JSON. The resulted data is then formatted using XSLT or CSS in the client side for a better rendering of the view. The diagram below shows how websites in the past differ from modern web sites that make use of AJAX technology: (Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications, J. Garrett, 2005) What is AJAX? AJAX is a modern web technology that leverages a bunch of existing web technologies to create faster and more efficient web applications. AJAX frees web sites from the need to post the whole webpage back to the server for small piece of information and lets pages or parts of a page update by receiving small chunks of data from the server magically behind the scene – without users barely noticing the page refresh. This is what is referred to when people talk about the â€Å"Asynchronous† behavior of AJAX. In a tradition sense, a classic web site always has to have an event send some kind of request to the server which will then result a response being sent back to the client from the server. That usually means, only one request can be responded at a time and any subsequent request have to wait until the previous requests have been processed by the server. When a user clicks on a button, that will trigger some kind of event resulting in either post or get request to the s erver, which will need to be processed by the server first and then the right view is served up to the user. Now this can happen behind the scene without the browser needing to do a complete post back to the server. The advantage of asynchronous call is that data can still be requested from a server without a complete post back to the server and all happens behind the scene and the user is barely affected by what is going on behind the scene. Instead of having to wait for the response result, pages or even parts of a page load asynchronously. What make up AJAX? AJAX is not a new programming language, nor is it just one new technology. It is rather a mix of existing technologies. The following make up the AJAX: JavaScript: It is a client side scripting language interpreted by browsers. JavaScript is one of the most important components of AJAX technologies. It is responsible for capturing user events and making a call to the server asynchronously for the needed data. Today, there are many JavaScript libraries like jQuery that have simplified how AJAX calls are made and in what format are the response data received. Since the advent of JSON, the response of an AJAX call doesn’t just have to be in XML format, but it can also be in JSON format. DOM: DOM stands for Document Object Model, which means it is a JavaScript Object model of an HTML document or XML document. It is the way JavaScript sees its content and structure. It is an object that includes how the HTML/XHTML/XML is formatted, as well as the overall state of the browser. CSS: CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet and is used to present data or document in a certain style. It is the language to decorate the content, essentially separating the style from the actual content. XMLHttpRequest: XMLHttpRequest is probably one of the most powerful JavaScript Objects that has properties and methods to really change the overall architecture of today’s modern web application. It was designed by Microsoft and are now widely being adopted and by IT giants like Google, Mozilla, and Apple etc. This JavaScript provides an easy mechanism to fetch data from a URL without having to do a complete post back to the server over either http or ftp protocols. A web page can have a part of it doing something dynamically through the use of this object while the user is doing something else without really affecting user’s interaction with the page in any manner. XMLHttpRequest object has various properties and methods to open, close or cancel connection to a server and fetch data or send status of current request whether it is a success or failure etc. Below are some of the important properties and methods commonly used in AJAX based web applications. XMLHttpRequest object has following six methods abort (): This methods basically cancels an asynchronous call being made to a server. getAllResponseHeaders (): This methods returns all headers information as a string. getResponseHeader (header): It returns string containing header information or null if there is no header in the response at all or response is not sent out yet. open (method, url): This method is used to initiate a request call to a server. send (body): This method is used to send a browser request to the server, irrespective of whether it is synchronous or not. setRequestHeader (header, value): This method is used to set the HTTP request header to a certain value. There are six important properties of the XMLHttpRequest object: onreadystatechange: This property determines which callback function to call when the readyState property changes readyState: It is the current status of XMLHttpRequest object and can have any possible values from 0 to 4, where each values have a certain meaning. 0: The request has not been initialized. 1: The AJAX call has established connection to the server. 2: request received: The AJAX call request has been received by the server. 3: The AJAX call request is being processed. 4: The AJAX call request has completed and the response is ready. responseText: It returns a string which contains the body of the response responseXML: It retrieves the response body as XML DOM Object. status: Indicates what the current HTTP status code is like 200 for OK and 404 for server not found etc. statusText: It retrieves a friendly HTTP status of an AJAX request. Ajax Event life cycle The below diagram show the lifecycle of AJAX events in a web application (AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, Saikrishna, 2009): When a user visits an AJAX web site, the engine is first loaded and initialized before any AJAX related operation. The Ajax engine basically works around the two processes shown in cyan boxes in the above picture. The lifecycle of an AJAX operation is as follows: A user requests a webpage with AJAX implementation in his/h. Page is loaded in computer browser. User interacts with the site and creates an event, like a button or a link clicking. The click event initiates the AJAX call, and sends a data request to the server and also specifies how the needed data should be returned back, either as XML or JSON etc. The server resolves and processes the request and also prepares the response data in the required format. Server responds to the client browser with the requested data. A callback function gets the data, and transforms and updates the web page. This happens all behind the scene and user will never have to see his/her page post back to the server like the regular web pages do. Ajax Frameworks Like any other web application framework, people have developed various frameworks around AJAX so that an these frameworks can be used on a specific platform, with a specific language etc. and basically provides API for developers to easily make use of AJAX technologies in more efficient and abstracted manner. These frameworks have unique components to accept request or process request using AJAX and are adapted to a particular language platform like ASP.NET or PHP etc. There are many AJAX frameworks for different platforms and languages. Some of the notable AJAX frameworks are listed below: For .NET web applications: ASP.NET Ajax Framework Web.Ajax For PHP web applications: Tigermouse Zephyr Pherry For Java web applications: Salto Ajax Buffalo Ajax Apache Wicket For JavaScript based web applications: jQuery Prototype Atom.js etc. Real World Usage of AJAX: Live searches: It is an important feature in modern search engines made possible by AJAX. Users don’t have to type the whole thing and autocomplete kicks in as soon as few letters are typed in and the expected results show up instantly as we start entering the term we are looking for. When we visit the large search engine sites like Google or Bing and search for anything, then we get the autocompleting service as well as list of matching results instantaneously instead of having to wait for the server to process and send back the results. In the below figure, while searching for Chicago Airport, the auto-completion kicks in and the user can see a list of his/her choices. Real time messaging and chat with Ajax: Ajax updates social media pages like Facebook and twitter pages without refreshing the page which helps user see updates and communicate with people real time. Chat web applications like meebo use AJAX extensively to enhance the chat experience. Drag and drop: One of the important features of Ajax is that it lets users drag and drop files and plugins on a webpage and such drag/drop events are automatically persisted to the server. This can be seen in cloud storage sites like dropbox or onedrive. Instant login feedback: When user enters the wrong login credentials, then the login failure response is instantaneous, instead of having for the page to post back to the server and the failed response to come back to the user. Real world Users of AJAX There are many web sites and applications that use AJAX nowadays. The most prominent and early adopters are sites like YouTube, Google maps, Gmail, Facebook etc. Facebook seems to have great implementation of AJAX as the posts and updates are show almost instantaneously and doesn’t need any page refresh. AJAX implementation in Facebook site is what does the trick in instant updates of user status, messages etc. A Google map is one of the oldest and the most popular AJAX based web application. The Google map fetches XML data of the places a user is looking for and transforms the received data into complex map imagery. Users can drag locations around or zoom in and out and the page doesn’t have to reload to reflect the new changes. Gmail also uses AJAX for variety of useful features like spell check, auto save incomplete as drafts, fetching new emails etc. Flickr uses AJAX in its site for loading pictures in a picture carousel manner where when a user clicks for next pict ure, there is no page refresh, the click of the next button simply fetches the next pictures and presents the user with the next picture – which makes perfect sense because there is not really a need to refresh the whole site to just to retrieve one photo in a current sequence of photos. Advantages and disadvantages AJAX has become a vital aspect of modern web application. AJAX has many advantages but it does also have some disadvantages. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of AJAX: Advantages: AJAX helps lessen the round trips between the client and the server. A site’s overall response time will be a lot faster. Open source JavaScript libraries like JQuery, Prototype, etc. for development Disadvantages: AJAX is an extra abstraction layer and will complicate design and development Security is a concern since files are downloaded client side. AJAX based web pages are not indexed for search. Browsers with JavaScript turned off won’t be able to render AJAX web sites. Summary Ajax is a great technology and should be used when sites have a lot of plugins on a page and each need to refresh dynamically. AJAX makes a site more dynamic and performance is improved significantly as it cuts down on the number of post backs the page has to go through. It is also important to know that AJAX has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is important to distinguish which web applications require AJAX and which ones can do without it. Very simple web pages with very little data interactivity can probably do away with AJAX. Developers should always focus on the requirements of the site and wisely if AJAX is necessary or not to match the requirement. References Saikrishna. (2012, June 9).AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. RetrievedJuly20, 2014, from Advantages of using Ajax in your website | BounceWeb Web Hosting Blog. (n.d.). Retrieved from Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications | Adaptive Path. (n.d.). Retrieved from Ajax History Information. (n.d.). Retrieved from Ajax pros and cons. (n.d.). Retrieved from Codeproject. (). What is AJAX? Retrieved from Getting Started AJAX | MDN. (n.d.). Retrieved from The characteristics of Ajax Applications. (n. d). Retrieved from

Monday, August 19, 2019

Innocent :: Booker T. Washington Slavery Essays

Innocent In the case of Booker T. Washington once can plainly dismiss the idea of charging him with complacency or sycophancy. Such charges are absolutely absurd and can be easily disproved. In a time period where the black race was truly looked down upon, disrespected and mistreated, Booker T. Washington sought to do things to bring his people out of the muck they were placed in. Complacency is the act of self-satisfaction accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies. As stated by a member of Prosecution, â€Å"For this trial, complacency is being defined as a state of conscious denial about hazards or oppressions† (Blandford 1). How could one believe that this is what Mr. Washington stood for? As brought up by members of the prosecution, Booker T. Washington’s complacency can be seen in the area of education. As stated by Prosecutor Wilson, â€Å"Washington discusses his disgust with his students’ preoccupation with the study of foreign language, grammar an arithmetic†. Such a statement is not true. Booker T. Washington was quite in favor of the intellectual learning of black. After all, why would such an activist for the betterment of blacks be against their intellectual betterment? At no point in time does Mr. Washington show disgust as portrayed by the prosecution in the area of education. In fact, Washington was in favor for the intellectual incline of his black people. â€Å"I was determined to start them off on a solid and thorough foundation so far as their books were concerned†(89). Now, does that sound like the words of a man against education? It is just that Booker T. Washington wanted his people to succeed and be the best in all areas of life including that of industrial work. He wanted his students to be well rounded so that after graduation they would be able to get any kind of job, whether it is relying solely on intellectual aspects or that of specific skill or trade. Washington was well aware of the success and independence one can attain from knowing specific skills needed within the society. With this ability, an individual can be self-employed and can always get jobs within the society.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Drew Bropy :: Essays Papers

Drew Bropy As the original mastermind behind the â€Å"...lost† surf boards that began showing up a few years ago, Drew Brophy gave new life to the almost forgotten art of surfboard illustration. From the very beginning, young Drew was building a name for himself, not only as a surf artist, but also as a local hellman in the big surf. In high school Drew worked as an airbrush artist, hoping to save up enough funds to pay his way to Hawaii. His hard work paid off, allowing Drew to catch his plane to the topical Islands shortly after his high school graduation . Drew found that his southern accent made him stick out like a sore thumb, but he made up for it by fearlessly taking on some of the biggest mavericks that an angry Pacific ocean could throw at him. His custom board designs also where making a stir at the beach side, but sadly, not so much with the board shapers . The classic white board and curren rail bands were the current fad, and shapers where leery to use Drew’s unconventional illustrations. As if rejection wasn’t enough, Drew suffered a major wipe out that left him disabled for over 3 months. Unable to work, Drew packed up and moved into his friendà ¢â‚¬â„¢s garage in San Clemente. This seemingly tragic event actually would turn out to be the starting point of Drew’s career. Noticing a few illustrated boards under the arms of some local gromits, and having recovered the use of his arm, Drew looked for the creator of these boards in hope of finding a job. Directed to the San Clemente Surf Company, it was here Drew first met local shaper Matt Biolos. Shortly after he was hired, Drew convinced Matt to let him run his shop while he was on a business trip in China. Given free reign of the shop, Drew went wild, creating fantastic and beautiful illustrations of sunsets ,surf and sun gods. Drew’s boards flew off the shelves and stared the ...lost surfboard craze. Drew finds his inspirations from many surf artist , such as Rick Griffen, Robert Williams, and Rick Rietvela, but most of his inspiration comes form watching the Hawaiian surf, sand and sun.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Los Vendidos Essay

Los Vendidos means the sell-outs. All the characters in the play sold-out at some point during the play. The characters sold out both their races and their way of life. I would say that the person who sold out the most was the Mexican-American because he sold-out both his Mexican, his American heritage and way of life. He wanted to be perfect, so when he found that the Americans and the Mexicans had their flaws he sold them out. He now has to search for a new and perfect race to identify with. (He will be searching for a while. ) The Mexican- American sold out his Mexican Heritage when he said, â€Å"The problems of the Mexicans stem from one thing alone he’s stupid, he is under-educated, he needs to stay in school. He needs to be ambitious and be forward looking, most important he needs to think American† (Page 382). In his statement he is only finding the bad of his people and stating it for the entire room to hear. He shows great disrespect for the Mexican heritage by saying all that is wrong with them. He shows their flaws, weaknesses, and imperfections. I believe your heritage makes up who you are and that is you, so you should never disrespect yourself by disrespecting your heritage. I believe thee way he sold-out was by disrespecting his heritage. the Mexican- American is still trying to decide weather he is going to live Mexican or American. When the Mexican-American says, â€Å"The only thing I don’t like is how come I always got to play the goddamn Mexican-American†(Page-384). You are unsure by this statement weather he is selling-out his Mexican or his American lifestyle. You know he wants to perfect because of his attitude toward playing the part of the Mexican-American. The Mexican American doesn’t know where he wants to go in life I guess this proves no matter how old you are or how much of an education you have you sell people out and walk all over them. Even if it is a person you know or need all that does not madder if you are a sell-out. You will hurt people to get what you want for yourself. The Mexican American is soon going to find he will never find perfection and he will be lost with no friends because of all the people he sold-out. The Mexican- American and his buddies need to set goal or all they will have to talk about is being sell-out with no friends.

Andrew Carnegie Essay

The rise of capitalism was characterised by exploitation and opportunity. Opportunities, if taken at the chance, enabled men to access wealth. Andrew Carnegie is the perfect example of an entrepreneur and man who built the roots of American infrastructure. He can also lived the ‘perfect’ American dream. He has a typical ‘rags to riches’ story, which makes him a historical icon and an admirable man. Carnegie is known to have built a fortune on steel. However, the ways in which he made money could be considered an abuse to ethics and moral rights. Toward the end of his life, Carnegie decided to use his wealth for the greater good of the community and encouraged learning. For the above reasons, he can be considered as a robber baron, but I believed that he also worked for the greater good of human nature. Carnegie was able to take opportunities to create a vast fortune. He came from absolutely nothing, but is known as a captain of industry. He monopolised wealth, transport and infrastructure. He was born in Scotland in 1835. His family migrated to America in 1848 when he was thirteen. As a young boy, he worked in a cotton factory in Pittsburgh. He did not have many years of schooling nor attended university but he became the richest man on the planet during the industrial revolution. In this sense, he is the incarnation of the American Dream. One of Carnegie’s sayings; â€Å"The first man gets the oyster, the second gets the shell† explains his career fully. Carnegie had the ability to identify and seize opportunities, to foresee what would happen to industries and to take risks. He also stated that; â€Å"people who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity no matter how impressive their other talents† show his ambitiousness. Carnegie was not content with commonplace. His ability to seize opportunities and invest in them helped greatly his career. He saw potential in telegraphing and transport. While he was working in the railroad industry, in 1859, he saw a connection between steel and infrastructure. Carnegie grabbed the opportunity and created a successful steel company, a great example of capitalist exploitation. Carnegie’s steel company, Carnegie Steel, which opened near Pittsburgh in the 1870s, is an example exploitation during the rise of capitalism. Carnegie created employment. The way he ran his company can be believed to be an  abuse of manpower and human capacities. His workplace was similar to modern day sweatshops. He made men work hard. They had long hours, twelve hours per day, six days per week, in extremely poor working conditions. Because steel was in demand at the time, due to the advancements in steam engines, Carnegie decided to keep costs low to attract more people. However that meant that he kept his workers’ wages low as well. This resulted in violent labour strike in 1892. Carnegie always preached for rights of workers and unions. However his actions did not match his rhetoric. A major strike at Carnegie Steel was a clash between capitalism and workers’ unions. It was bloody and violent. It lasted five month. During that time Carnegie went to Scotland and left the company’s general manager, Henry Clay Frick in charge. 300 Pinkerton armed guards were posted around the factory and ten men were killed. Carnegie’s only way out of this dilemma was to sell his factory. He sold it to J. Pier Morgan, for $480 million, in 1901. Andrew Carnegie turned his career from capitalism to philanthropy. When Carnegie sold his steel company to Morgan, he became the â€Å"richest man on earth†, said Morgan the day he bought the company. In 1889, Carnegie had published an essay, in which he stated that, â€Å"the rich have a moral obligation to distribute their money in ways to promote the welfare and happiness of the common man†. He also said that, â€Å"the man who dies rich thus dies disgraced†. During his life he gave away more than $350 millions. Carnegie supported education and reading. He donated money to 2500 libraries around the world. The particular thing about Carnegie’s philanthropist career is that he did not just want to help people; he wanted to help others help themselves. He gave away his money for the improvement of mankind. For example, giving money away to libraries instead of people allowed mankind educate themselves. Consequently, education became easier to access for everyone. Carnegie became one of the most famous philanthropists, a complete opposite to the man whom exploited people in his factory. Andrew Carnegie was both a robber baron and a philanthropist. In my opinion, he worked for the greater good of human nature. He was a man who took opportunities to make his career, as well as giving other opportunities. Even though he exploited people, and the working conditions in his steel  factory are an example of that, he offered them jobs, and a way to make money for their families. I agree that in the end he â€Å"helped others to help themselves†. His massive donation of $350 millions shows his change of heart towards the end of his life. As Carnegie, grew up in a poor social class, I believe that he wanted to give others similar opportunities as he strived for. Giving them a chance for education and free access to libraries. The millions of dollars that he donated gave others a chance to improve their lives. I believe that Andrew Carnegie is a man to be remembered as one whom sought better mankind.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Short Essays on Reading

Inquiry Question: Does an online bachelors degree have the same quality as a bachelors degree at a physical university/ college? I am considering a few different professionals when it comes to interviews. One person that interest me is Professor Leonard Albright. This is because he teaches a wide variety of classes, all of which are in education. The other person I cam interested in interviewing is Dan Robinson the director of the education department at CSU.He would be acceptable candidate because he deals with not only students within the department but branches out to other institutions of higher learning. I am also considering talking to a worker at the administration office. This is because they deal with not only incoming students from high school, but also graduate students seeking different types of education. I may also try to find a graduate of both a bachelors degree from an institution and a graduate from an online university. This is because they have first hand experien ces with the programs.The final person I am interested in interviewing is someone who works for an online education program. They have experience with their online programs, and can give a well detailed input to how their students earn a degree. This list of professionals are stakeholders because they are the ones dealing with higher education, and weather or not they can have enough eligible students that can take on the real word. To get in contact with these professionals I am going to send out emails of my inquiry question.I will also explain the project and why it is worth their time to answer a few question I have. Some of the online institutions also have numbers where you can reach their workers, professors, and directors. So i will be able to call them asking for an interview. Some of my questions will include the following: 1. How many classes/ and or credits does one need to complete to earn a bachelors degree at your institution? 2. Do you notice any positive or negative effects from any of the classes offered to your students? . Was there any outside factors that drove students to come to this institution? (money, family background ect.. ) 4. Do you believe that the education today in too challenging, just right, or too easy for todays graduates? 5. What credits can transfer equally to your university? (i. e online to an actual institution or an institution to online. ) 6. Do you recommend taking college credits online? 7. How many of your alumni with bachelors degrees have an income, or decently paying job in their degree?

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Small Island †Andrea Levy

Small Island is a book written by Andrea Levy mainly based on race, War and prejudice in London in 1948, the story is explain through the point of view of 4 different narrators including flashbacks into their pasts. One of the narrators is Gilbert, who appears the charming fool a Jamaican newlywed who served in the RAF during World War II, hopes for a prosperous future in London, though his experience of racial discrimination tells him this won't be achieved easily.This is shown when he is stopped from sitting next to Queenie and Arthur by the usherette and after heated words between them and American soldiers it leads to the death of Arthur (183-193), as well even after serving for England after he rejoins civilization he is still treated poorly His young wife, Hortense, is more naive.Arriving from Jamaica via the empire windrush, hoping to take up a teaching career, as well as trying to find her former flame Michael who left Jamaica to join the RAF after being caught having an affa ir so in a desperate need to continue her dream marries a Gilbert thinking life in England would be great however she is soon in despair over rude rejections and her struggle to make herself understood, literally and figuratively, by white working-class neighbors who don't seem to comprehend the English she learned in her home island.However towards the end she and Gilbert bond more and eventually take in Queenies baby Michael to raise as their own after she plans to leave Queenie’s house and settle down with Gilbert Queenie is a tough, level headed survivor, with a good heart. Brought up on a pig farm in Yorkshire, from an early age she grows to hate the smell of the pigs, the squalor and the blood. With dreams of escape, she finally gets her wish when her kindly Aunt sends the train fare to London. Queenie is open-minded and hungry for new experience. She like Hortense goes to London with hope in her heart.Despite trying to better herself with elocution lessons, she can nev er quite shake her Yorkshire vowels. However an unexpected death forces her into the arms of the educated but rather uninspiring Bernard as to keep her dream Queenie believes that her dreams are lost to her forever.After Bernard goes to war she is forced to look after Bernard’s Mentally ill father and during this she sleeps with Michael a black serviceman she invites to her house who impregnates her, and after Bernard doesn’t return from the war she later invites a man she had earlier met Gilbert after he rescued her father in law  to stay at her house along with his wife who would be arriving as well as a few other lodgers. Queenie and Hortense initially clash however unsurprisingly due to their similarity in life they eventually bond and become as close to friends as they could be which eventually ends in Queenie giving them the baby she had with Hortense’s former companion Michael.However after Bernard returns he blatantly shows unhappiness as black civilia ns living at the house â€Å"Did they have to be coloured† however Queenie seems to be the only white person in the book who doesn’t judge a person based on the colour of their skin Bernard is the husband of Queenie Bligh’s bank clerk husband who seems to be quite stuck up and racist and he is shown to be the complete opposite of Queenie, his dad Arthur who served in World War 1 suffers from shellshock leaving him to not speak after meeting queenieBernard changes from being repressed and quiet to being quite lively and affectionate after marrying queenie whom he loves he reverts back to being his closed down self and leaves to go and join up with the army where he befriends a guy named Maxi however after his death Bernard who seemed the gentle and nonviolent type he got in a fight, and cheated on Queenie with a seemingly under aged prostitute and got what he thought was a life threatening syphilis however It seems to be just a simple Flu.And after two years away he then goes to see Maxi’s Family and then eventually returns home to the shock of queenie †and I was collapsed sitting on the pavement† however Bernard simply replies Indeed when Queenie talks to him showing his ‘boringness’ which Queenie seems to dislike The story starts with a flashback to the past when Queenie was a child. Levy starts with this is as it starts with a showing of the racism as queenie calls the British empire exhibition as Africa due to the black people there showing that racism was imprinted onto children at a young age as well â€Å"go on queenie, kiss him, kiss him† is as if the black man has some sort of disease so Emily is saying I dare you to do it

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Indian and English cultures Essay

A passage to India is mostly concerned with the relationships between Indian and English cultures, and the interaction and conflicts are the most important moments in the book. This is clearly explained when at the beginning of the book when Dr. Aziz rides on his bicycle to Hamidullah’s house and debates whether it is possible to be friends with an Englishman. Major Callendar, the Civil Surgeon at Chandrapore, and Aziz’s superior calls him away as he is visiting Hamidullah and then disappears before he gets their not even leaving a explanatory note. Establishing that the English are snobby and care nothing about Indians. For Major Callendar Called Aziz right in the middle of dinner and was not even there when he arrived, insinuating that the meeting between the two must have not been that important and could have waited. Adding insult in injury the women at Callendar’s house take his Tonga (a horse-drawn carriage) without even asking. you can assume from the events at the beginning that the English think of Indians as a lesser race and that they should be subservient to them. One of the major moments in the book is when Dr. Aziz meets for the first time Mrs. Moore which is the mother to the Indian Magistrate – Ronny Heaslop. Dr. Aziz thinking that most English, especially Englishwomen are snobby and insensitive to Indians, asks Mrs. Moore to take off her shoes with not even looking at her feet; thinking probably to himself (no Englishwomen would have the common decency or respect for the Indian culture to take off her shoes in the Mosque). After the initial chastising Aziz and Mrs. Moore begin to form a friendship. Aziz finding out that she is both kind and sympathetic After there time at the Mosque Aziz escorts Mrs. Moore to the near all-white Chandrapore Club which is where Mrs. Moore had initially wondered off from. At the Club there is a showing of Cousin Kate, which is the most thoroughly English play in existence, conveying the desire of the English to recreate England in India rather than adapt to their foreign environment. Mrs. Moore ignores the play totally and continues on to the billiard room where she meets up with Adela Quested her traveling companion and most likely will marry Ronny. For the most part Indians view the English with anger and cynicism but it is with the newcomers (Mrs. Moore and Adela Quested) that Aziz sees that they have a desire to see the real India, and are willing to look far beyond the narrow minded view of the other English people. After Adela sees how unconcerned Ronny is with the plight of the Indians she decides not to marry him. As they go for a car ride with Nawab Bahadur, which is the leading loyalist in Chandrapore, an slight accident occurs when they hit a animal and crash. They both get out and look for the injured animal but to no avail, showing Adela his kindness, Adela tells Ronny to forget what she had said and that she will marry him. In town, the Nawab Bahadur tells a group of Indians about his distress; he fears evil spirits, for when he fist bought the car, he ran over and killed a man. Dr. Aziz tells the Nawab Bahadur’s grandson that the younger generation must reject such superstitions. This is showing that what all the English have brought to India is not bad for an elite have been educated and understand how the world works better than they have ever before.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Human rights in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Human rights in China - Essay Example The proposed study thus adopts the hermeneutical design of research not only because it promises a high degree of objectivity but also because it is considered the most appropriate methodology for a study of the social sciences. Empirical evidence will be gathered, interpreted and analyzed to disprove or confirm prior conceptions (Schostak, 2002) about the prevalence of human rights abuses in China. Hermeneutics is the art or science of interpretation, which is often used in the interpretation of biblical passages and their applications on day-to-day living. In the same manner, research using the hermeneutical approach describes the practical problem, the processes of data collection and analysis as well as its interpretation and application. When a study asks what something means, the hermeneutically designed research focuses on the entire context within which it happens. Hermeneutics requires that in reading a text, examining a word or phrase will not make sense if the reading does not consider the whole text of which the word or phrase is a part. The â€Å"whole† may be a hospital and the â€Å"part† could be a waterborne or maternity clinic, in which case the relevant study must discuss how the specialized clinic and the hospital as a general treatment center relate to each other. Thus, the proposed research on human rights in China examines how the parts arti culate the whole, and how the whole makes the parts possible and vice versa. The parts here refer to specific instances of human rights violations within China, which will be studied and interpreted according to their place in the overall picture. China is equated with arbitrary detentions, lack of legal safeguards to ensure fair trial, torture and ill-treatment of prisoners, severe restrictions on freedom of expression and association, lack of religious freedom and human rights violations specific to women. This unsavory image of China has been established through the years not only by

Monday, August 12, 2019

'Technological innovation dictates film form'. Is this true Using at Essay

'Technological innovation dictates film form'. Is this true Using at least two primary sources, answer this question in rel - Essay Example Film form has been changed by technological development in areas such as colour, viewing modes, recording, film genre, narrative, aesthetics, as well as sound. Sound is one of the inputs that are mostly taken for granted when people are watching a film. The truth is an era in which films were silent before innovation of sound existed. These were known as silent films, which did not have any synchronized sound, recorded and no dialogue that was spoken. These films used title cards, mime, and muted gestures to entertain the audiences (O'brien, 2005). The thought of combining the motion pictures with recording of sound is almost as old as invention of film form itself. However, this idea was not crystallized into synchronized dialogue until the late 1920’s due to the technological challenges that were involved (Chion & Gorbman et al., 1994). Introduction of the system known as Vitaphone and perfection of the amplifier tube known as audion were among the first archaic technologies to pave way for modern day sound in film. Sound films were the motion pictures which sound had been synchronized with picture. Edison conceived the synchronization of the visual medium and a phonograph he invented would make sound film. This was around the year 1885 more than thirty years before commercial feasibility of sound film. There were several problems to be overcome by inventors and entrepreneurs before actualization and acceptance of sound into film form (Livingston &Plantinga, 2012). Silent film lovers were perhaps content with silent movies because they were always accompanied with some kind of music and the presence of narration seemed to augur well with the small town folk. Another obstacle was the fact that by the 1920s the industry of silent film was the mainstay of film form in the aspects of film writing, photography, music and acting. Technologically, there was difficulty in matching sound and the visuals such as was audible to all in the audience. Synchronizatio n of looks (of the actors) and their voices was also important in giving sound film acceptance (O'brien, 2005). These problems were namely synchronization as well as amplification. These difficulties facing silent screenwriters in finding the right balance between dialogue and action were gradually overcome in order to make the film going experience more fulfilling than it had been before (Livingston &Plantinga, 2012). The first of the sound films to incorporate synchronized sound were known as talkies or talking pictures and included only effects and music with the first film to feature as a talkie was â€Å"The Jazz Singer† in the month of October 1927 by Warner Bros (Chion &Gorbman et al., 1994). However, this was replaced by sound on film, which also triumphed over sound on disc still in the era between 1914 and early 1930s (from conception to early perfection) Sound on film was one of the revolutions in the film form industry ensured more synchronization between sound an d actions thus improving the quality of film viewing. Among the first impacts of sound technology on film form were the negative consequences such as the complexity and difficulty in production occasioned by introduction of live recording of sound. The cameras were very noisy and needed a soundproofed cabinet as a way of isolating the loud noise of the equipment from the voices of the actors this limited the movement of the camera (O'brien, 2005). Another